Cheers to a Remarkable Person and 43-year Career!

For all of her 43 years at New Ventures Maine (NVME), Gilda Nardone has helped people to meet unexpected challenges and transform their lives. To mark her retirement, family, friends and colleagues gathered on December 8 at the Senator Inn in Augusta to celebrate and to welcome in a new phase for Gilda and the organization she dedicated 43 years to building and growing in all its manifestations: Displaced Homemakers; Women, Work, and Community; and New Ventures Maine.

Highlights of the program included presentation to Gilda of the Merle Nelson Women Making A Difference Award by the founding legislators of NVME, Merle Nelson and Barbara Trafton and presentation by State Senator Eloise Vitelli of a legislative sentiment congratulating Gilda and expressing appreciation on behalf of Maine’s 130th legislature.

Senator Angus King delivered a video message of congratulations and thanks; letters from Governor Mills, U.S. Senator Collins, and U.S. Representative Pingree were read and given; Gilda and Janet Smith, NVME’s new executive director, exchanged gifts; and thoughtful remarks were shared by NVME Advisory Council Chair Sarah Halpin, UMA Vice President of Enrollment Management and Marketing Jonathan Henry, Janet Smith, and national colleague Kathy Patrick. The Duane Edwards Trio played melodious jazz and the room was warm with appreciation for Gilda as she embarks on the next chapter of her life and New Ventures Maine continues her legacy. The event program was broadcast on Facebook live. Watch on Facebook or YouTube.

Cheers to 43 years, Gilda!

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