Tracy Hall – Lewiston

by | Jul 8, 2014


Tracy talking with Senator Craven at the State House

It was Tracy’s grandfather who saw a newspaper ad for WWC’s Creating Your Future career planning class.  Because he knew Tracy was earnestly searching for work, he suggested she check it out.  Tracy did and found through that class that WWC could help her to look at her life as a whole.  As a result, she was able to set standards for the “right” job for her. Dedicated to increasing her skills, Tracy enrolled in additional WWC classes.

While taking another class-My Money Works-she learned about WWC’s Rainy Day Savings Program.  “The Rainy Day Account has helped me to get back into a routine of putting money away for a ‘rainy day,’ and the courses have helped me better understand how to budget for things I need or want.”  Starting by saving $12.50 a month, Tracy is now five dollars away from reaching her savings goal of $300. Tracy chose to take the My Money Works class twice because she was so committed to getting her finances in order.  “I am now more cautious of my spending habits.  I am continually working on ways to make savings a routine, and I try to put money aside each month for things I want.  I have re-awakened some dreams I thought … impossible to achieve.”

Tracy became an Ambassador for Women, Work and Community in the spring of 2013.  This role took her to the State House last winter to learn more about state government. That day, she met and spent time with Senator Margaret Craven-another educational and rewarding experience.


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