Kim Emerson – Brewer

by | May 19, 2019

Kim sitting at table in her office.

Photo Credit: Chris Bennett

40 Stories for 40 Years – Profilee 16

Kim participated in New Ventures Maine’s My Money Works class at a pivotal point in her life.  She was in the middle of a divorce and struggling to afford her home. “In addition to the emotional turmoil that situations like this can bring, I was facing financial insecurity. I was greatly concerned about being able to make ends meet on my own, so I turned to the internet to find a class on financial literacy,” she shares.

After a bit of searching, Kim discovered NVME.  She explains, “I’m so glad I found New Ventures Maine. Not only did I find a class to help me muddle through intimidating financial matters, but it was also free!”  In the class, she began identifying ways she could meet her financial goals.

Kim knew she wanted to figure out a way to refinance her home and become more financially secure.  As she put numbers on paper and learned about her options, she was able to develop a plan to keep her home. “I was able to accomplish this and I don’t believe it would have been possible without New Ventures Maine & the MMW trainer, SarahJoy.  The credit union was impressed that I was working with NVME and I know it helped bolster my ability to get the new loan.”

Even though she didn’t fully know what to expect when she enrolled in the class, she is happy she did. Today, Kim continues to work on her budget and take steps towards her savings goals. She asserts, “I think everyone person should take this course. It gave me such a feeling of independence and success. I would recommend the program to everyone!”

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