Michelle Velilla – Minot

by | Sep 12, 2019

Michelle sitting at table with children's toys

Photo Credit: Chris Bennett

40 Stories for 40 Years – Profilee 37

Michelle came to New Ventures Maine in hopes of “finding a better opportunity” for herself and her family.  As a young mother and wife, she wanted to build a business that would support her family. Michelle believed that she could channel her passion for working with children into a successful business, but she wasn’t sure how to put the pieces together. Therefore, she reached out to New Ventures Maine for support.

Through NVME’s microenterprise programs, she explored the possibility of providing childcare services in Lewiston, ME.  She explains, “After researching ways to help teach children, I decided to start my own childcare business. My business trainer at NVME taught me everything I needed to know about starting and growing a business.”

In addition to participating in NVME’s microenterprise training, Michelle also decided to sign-up for the Family Development Account matched savings program. She set the goal of saving to purchase a home. She has now achieved that goal with the help of the FDA program.

Today, Michelle’s business, Totally Kidz, is one of Lewiston’s highest-rated private childcare centers. “We’ve grown from our beginning 20-child capacity to currently caring for 114 children, and we employ about sixteen employees,” she shares. Michelle enjoys working with the children and training her employees to provide a high-quality and nurturing learning environment.

When asked what advice she has for others, Michelle says, “Never give up on your dreams!”

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