What We Do


New Ventures Maine creates an empowering environment for Maine people to define and achieve their career, financial, and small business goals.

Through free classes and individual coaching, we help people find good jobs, start or return to college, launch small businesses, manage their money and build their assets.

2024 Impact

In FY24, we provided classes and/or individual coaching to 1,091 Maine adults, reaching people in all 16 counties.

Services Provided

Workshop and class attendees


Persons receiving individual coaching


Students attending Trades for ME conferences


Building Careers

Served job seekers and career changers with classes and coaching:


Offered My Next Career Move to individuals:


Starting Businesses

Served new and aspiring entrepreneurs with workshops, classes and coaching:


Provided classes and guidance to individuals who launched or grew their business websites in partnership with Empower by GoDaddy:


Managing Money

Served individuals with workshops, classes and individual coaching:


Offered My Money Works (MMW) to individuals:


CA$H Maine 2024

Through NVME leadership, CA$H Maine served nearly 6,000 tax filers, generating over $4 million in federal income tax refunds and nearly $1.5 million in Earned Income Tax Credits.