CA$H Maine, a Partner of New Ventures Maine, Will Be Offering Free Virtual Tax Services

by | Nov 17, 2020 | News

To ensure the safety of tax filers, volunteers, and staff CA$H Maine will be limiting in person contact by offering taxes at a distance. We will be partnering with GetYourRefund to provide a fully online service. Depending on the location, tax filers may also have the option to have their materials scanned and their taxes will be prepared by our IRS tax law certified volunteer tax preparers off-site. CA$H Maine is committed to continue to provide services that are free and trustworthy, now with the convenience of a safe and easy to use system online. Learn about eligibility requirements for free tax preparation here. Check in with us in January at to learn more.

This tax season some Maine tax filers will see an increase in their Maine income tax refunds The Maine earned income tax credit has been expanded to include working, independent 18 to 24 year olds who have no qualifying children and increased from 5% to 25% of the federal EITC for all eligible individuals with no qualifying children. Eligible tax filers with qualifying children will see an increase from 5% to 12% of the federal EITC for eligible.

We are also currently accepting new volunteers! All training is provided and no experience is necessary, just an interest in helping others. Sign up and learn more here. For other questions contact Janet at

CA$H Maine is a statewide collaboration of ten coalitions, comprised of 50 non- and for-profit partners, working together to help empower Maine individuals and families to achieve long-term financial stability. Since 2003, CA$H Maine has offered free tax preparation to qualified filers during tax season and educated hard-working families and individuals about programs in the community that can help them meet their financial needs and reach their financial goals. 

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