New Ventures Maine has seven centers located across Maine.
- All
- Augusta
- Bangor
- Brunswick
- Lewiston-Auburn
- Presque Isle
- Portland
- Saco
UMA Augusta Campus
Robinson Hall
Augusta, ME 04330
Kelley Glidden
Career/Job Assistance and Money Management
NVME, UMA – Bangor
65 Texas Avenue
Bangor, ME 04401
Tom Grogan
Career/Job Assistance and Money Management
Oyebanjo ‘Banjo’ Ogunlela
Small Business Startup or Expansion
NVME at UMA Brunswick Center
12 Sewall Street-Orion Hall
Brunswick, ME. 04011
Lisa Archer
Career/Job Assistance and Money Management
Alicia LaFosse
Small Business Startup or Expansion
NVME at USM at Lewiston/Auburn College
51-55 Westminster Street
Lewiston, ME 04240
Catherine Collins
Administrative Support
Chris Morin
Career/Job Assistance and Money Management
Gina Platt
Small Business Startup or Expansion
Sarah Hutchins
Administrative Support
Lisa Sweet
Career/Job Assistance and Money Management
Martha Leonard
Small Business Startup or Expansion
NVME at University of Maine at Presque Isle
181 Main Street, Preble Hall 239
Presque Isle, ME 04769
Destin DeCambre
Small Business Startup or Expansion
NVME, UMA Saco Center
209 Main St., Unit 104
Saco, ME 04072
Karen Garland
Career/Job Assistance and Money Management