New Program Manager Will Guide Microenterprise Development Work

by | Feb 3, 2023 | MidCoast, News, North Central / Downeast, Northern, Southern, Start a Business, Western

photo of NVME staff
New Ventures Maine staff team (Fall 2022)

We are excited to be hiring a program manager to join the New Ventures Maine team. The new program manager will guide our microenterprise development work statewide.

NVME creates an empowering environment for Maine people to define and achieve their small business goals. The new manager will organize and manage program delivery; support, train, and supervise microenterprise development team staff; and provide small business and asset development training, technical assistance, and support to the target population, including under-resourced individuals. The manager will also be responsible for developing and maintaining organizational partnerships that contribute to small business development.

The position will be based in Bangor or Portland. Job salary is low- to mid-50s and the position offers a flexible work schedule with office hours, some travel, and some evening and work-from-home hours. Benefits include employee and dependent tuition benefits and comprehensive insurance coverage including medical, dental, vision, and life insurance.

NVME is a statewide education and economic development program administered through the University of Maine at Augusta, University of Maine System. The mission of NVME is to help Maine people succeed in the changing economy and achieve economic security for themselves and their families. NVME achieves its mission by providing training and individual advising in planning careers, starting businesses, managing money and building assets.

Visit the UMA hiring website for more information and to apply online!

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