Venturing Forth: Business Planning for Entrepreneurs is a twelve-week class for new entrepreneurs and existing business owners. Hundreds of business owners in Maine have launched their businesses with a boost from participating in this hands-on class, usually meeting in person one full day per week.

This fall, NVME adapted the class for online delivery and attracted entrepreneurs from across the state. Meeting twice per week through video conference, the class covers topics including customers, competition, marketing, recordkeeping, taxes, financing, legal aspects, and more. In-class activities, guest speakers, and homework assignments support the development of the plan and build a road map for the business.
Participants create a written business plan from start to finish with feedback from business advisors and fellow entrepreneurs. The class also includes opportunities to connect with regional business-planning resources. Follow-up after the class includes three monthly networking sessions.
NVME Microenterprise Specialists are facilitating the class and adapted the curriculum for online delivery. While we look forward to offering the class in person again, we will continue to offer the virtual option.
Venturing Forth graduate Ellen, from Southern Maine, said of the class, “NVME pulled all of the pieces of the entrepreneurial puzzle together allowing me to build my business from the ground up.” And, Terry from Northern Maine said, “NVME helped me take the time to develop my business plan through inspirational and informative services. With their help, I have developed a customer base that exceeds my original expectations.”
This class qualifies for three credits from the University of Maine at Augusta upon completion of the course and approval of a complete business plan.
Venturing Forth is supported in part by the Betterment Fund and a Start Up Scale Up grant from the Maine Community Foundation.