Amy Glass – Scarborough

by | Jul 21, 2016

Portrait of Amy Glass seated in her new officeWhen I first came to New Ventures Maine (NVME), I was in a difficult place in my job search. I was new to Maine and barely keeping myself afloat with part-time senior care work. I had a background as an attorney and in nonprofit management, so I knew I was capable of finding full-time work, but I had no idea what direction I wanted to go in. I was applying to jobs but not very strategically and with little success. I came to NVME’s Career Planning class in Saco hoping to clearly identify my skills and how I could apply them going forward in a fulfilling career. Teacher Laurie McDonnell provided a supportive place where I could express my frustration and also celebrate my strengths. I made a manageable plan for my job search and had the accountability I needed to stick to it.
Through NVME , I was also able to build a professional network, which led to my ultimate employment.
I am now happily employed as an Employment Counselor. Because I conducted so many skills assessments, job searches, and labor market research for myself at NVME, I have a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing my clients. My biggest challenge was overcoming my feelings of frustration after months of unfruitful job applications. Laurie’s use of affirmations in class helped me to remind myself that every small step I took was bringing me closer to my goals. My biggest joy was discovering that I already had the skills to be successful in a job that I find personally fulfilling and also positively improves the lives of people in my community.

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