Angela King – Pownal

by | Feb 8, 2018

AImage of Angela Kingngela King had been living in Maine for about a year and a half when she learned of New Ventures Maine. She and her family had recently decided to “change their pace of life” and move from Long Island to Maine. In New York, Angela was a Legal Aid staff attorney, and her husband commuted into New York City for his job. The move to rural Maine caused her to rethink the kind of work she now wanted to do. So, she decided to enroll in NVME’s month-long career planning class for help in exploring her options – “figuring it out.”

An important step in “figuring it out” was learning more about herself. Angela credits the various exercises and questions posed in class with providing a closer look at what motivated her. These exercises helped her to focus on her values. There she also found “practical and concrete advice” and help in organizing and streamlining the process of looking for work. Tapping into the positive energy and support of the class, she says, “I became more thoughtful and hopeful about my job search.”

Angela knew a common theme in her various careers and volunteer work was advocacy. Once in Maine, she worked part-time and volunteered in her new community. A life-long bicyclist, she also joined the Bicycle Coalition of Maine. When Angela noticed the roads were not always accommodating for cyclists and pedestrians, she decided to use her advocacy skills to help lower speed limits and increase signage at a local school. She attended Bicycle Coalition events, and when a position opened up there, she decided to apply.

Angela is now the Community Advocacy Coordinator for the Bicycle Coalition of Maine. In this role, she helps to make roads safer for bicyclists and pedestrians. She says she feels fortunate and excited to have found a job which combines her advocacy skills with her values – a goal set for herself during NVME’s class. Her advice to others, “Be patient and persistent in your search. You and your dreams are worth the effort.”

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