Souza: Saving for the Future

by | Feb 5, 2025

I came to the U.S. from the Democratic Republic of the Congo with my two children in 2022 to escape persecution. My husband is still there. We are hopeful that he can join us in the future.

When we first arrived, we spent two days in a homeless shelter and then moved to a Freeport hotel for three months. After we connected with Catholic Charities of Maine and their Asylum Seeker Transitional Housing Program, we moved to the Saco Hotel. We lived there for two years before moving into an apartment in Brunswick in July 2024.

Our move into an apartment happened just after I took Career Success for Single Moms with NVME. The class focused on high-wage, in-demand jobs, as well as budgeting and saving for the future. My NVME coach and I worked on my resume and I researched job and training opportunities. I am currently working at Comfort Homecare as a Personal Support Specialist, or caregiver.

I needed transportation to get back and forth to work, so I bought a used car that has high mileage, but I’m saving to buy a more reliable car. I have just filled out a Family Development Account application (for a matched savings account) so that I can receive matching funds for my savings and use them toward the purchase.

Before taking the class, I spent the money I had. I was not planning for the future. Now, I am interviewing to work a second job so that I can save more money in a timely manner. I have a small amount of savings and I have started a 401K account for my retirement! I will continue to save and my future goal is to buy my own home someday.

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