With limits on group size and uncertainties of school schedules due to COVID-19, Totally Trades! workshops for 8th grade and high school girls to explore trade and technical careers are going virtual this fall. Beginning the week of October 19th, an interactive workshop featuring different industry sectors will be offered twice each day of the week—once in the morning and once in the evening:
· Monday, 10/19 Bridge and Highway Building
· Tuesday, 10/20 Communications & Technology Careers
· Wednesday, 10/21 Automotive Trades
· Thursday, 10/22 Public Safety Careers
· Friday, 10/23 Building Trades
We appreciate the participation of many partners and supporters in planning the workshops. One presenter, Kim Cotta from Darling’s Auto Group, stated: “My career in the Automotive industry has been extremely rewarding, and I want to pay it forward by encouraging other young Mainers to check it out.”
For more detailed registration information, visit: totallytradesmaine.org and TotallyTrades on Facebook.
To learn more about how you can become involved in supporting future Totally Trades! conferences and workshops, click here.