Brooke Erwin – Boothbay

by | Mar 18, 2019


Photo Credit: Chris Bennett

40 Stories for 40 Years – Profilee 3

Brooke came to New Ventures Maine in 2016 when she learned about the program from the Boothbay Region Community Navigator.  At that time, Brooke was struggling financially and wanted to learn how better to manage her money. She also wanted to find ways she could save money for purchasing a home.

To start, Brooke signed up for NVME’s My Money Works class. In the class, Brooke learned ways to conserve money and see where it was going. “It is amazing to always feel like you’re broke – but find out you have money to spare after calculating it all out,” she shares.

In addition to gaining new money management skills, Brooke was able to connect with other people facing similar challenges.  She reflects, “There were many other people in the class I attended that were facing the same issues I was. It is comforting to see you are not alone when it comes to having trouble with budgeting and bad credit.”

Next Steps

BrookeAfter participating in the class, Brooke applied to the Rainy Day Savings Account and Family Development Account programs. Through the RDSA program, she now has $600 which she can use for emergency expenses.  She continues to work towards her goal of homeownership through the FDA program and is excited to reach that goal.

By working with New Ventures, Brooke says, “I was able to see that not all was lost. There are many resources and opportunities out there for people in my boat to help pull you out of the hole. I learned there are things that I myself could do to help repair my credit and pay off my debt. With a little education and direction, I now have a real understanding of how My Money Works!”

Brooke’s advice to others: “Don’t be nervous about being alone in this situation or admitting you need help. So many others are in the same boat.”

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