Photo Credit: Chris Bennett
40 Stories for 40 Years – Profilee 12
Jeff joined New Ventures Maine’s My Money Works class in 2016. He decided to participate in the class so he could learn how to budget, or better yet, “budget at all!”
During his time in the class, Jeff learned about the Family Development Account matched savings program. He explains, “The second I heard about the matched savings program, I knew I wanted to save for a house.” With this newly identified goal, he began working on his budget, tracking his spending, and building a savings plan. “One of the most important tools I took away from My Money Works was how to understand where my money was being spent,” Jeff shares.
It was a big goal and he worked on it for almost 2 years. Jeff explains, “The budgeting skills I learned helped me expedite the saving process. I learned. I stumbled. Sometimes, I failed. But, I didn’t give up. I stuck with the process and became a new homeowner!”
Jeff is now working on new goals. He would like to be able to fix and modify his house to make it his. Accomplishing the first goal has opened doors for him to set new ones.
What advice would Jeff give to others? “If someone were in a similar situation, I would advise them to not give up! Just because something is challenging does not mean it is impossible.”