Lisa Giulianelli

by | Jul 11, 2013

Lisa Giulianelli moved to Maine in 1996, continuing her career in Corporate Meeting Management as a freelance consultant until 2009 when the economy slowed–and with it demand for her service.  She answered the question of what to do next by starting a business with her partner to provide extended-stay accommodations to business travelers-Executive Cottages in Newport, Me. Six months into the new business, she saw the ad for Women, Work, and Community’s New Ventures Class, decided that she needed to get serious about her business, and enrolled.

With New Ventures under her belt, her newfound self-confidence led her to start a third venture, Oats Any Time.  By June 2012 her O.A.T. Fruit Filled Crumb Tarts–gluten-free &vegan Maine-made artisanal treats–were in 3 retail outlets in Maine and were shipping nationwide.

2013 finds Oats Any Time advancing quickly: in March the business was accepted as a Member Candidate with the Specialty Food Association; in April it was invited by the Maine State Chamber of Commerce to join a line-up of more than 20 Maine vendors for a Taste of Maine reception on Capitol Hill; at the end of June it attended the Summer Fancy Food Show in New York.

Also in June Lisa received a scholarship from WWC to participate in Top Gun Prep, advanced business management training which will assist her in taking her business to the next level.  She is working on plans to expand her company store, move into a commercial kitchen, and hire staff,

Lisa credits her 35 years of experience in the Travel & Hospitality business for her ability to multi-task.  So, while continuing to work part time as a meeting consultant, renting and maintaining her Executive Cottages, and spending early morning’s hand crafting her O.A.T. Fruit Filled Crumb Tarts, she enjoys the peace and serenity of her home on 200+ acres that has been the inspiration of her healthy, all natural lifestyle in Maine.

“Women Work and Community provided me with not only an education, but a family of caring instructors that provide continual support, resources, referrals and guidance.  It has also given me new confidence, and new friends that have similar passions and dreams.” 


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