Mardi Klein: Finding My Path

by | Feb 18, 2021

In 2017 Mardi was referred to New Ventures Maine (NVME) when she moved back to Maine from New York City. With a background in International Education, Mardi’s plan was to continue working in education. Mardi met one-on-one with Lisa Sweet, NVME’s Southern Region Workforce Specialist on and off from 2017 through 2020. They discussed career options in Maine and fine-tuned Mardi’s resume and cover letter. Mardi worked in HR, was a substitute teacher, and worked in higher education during that time, but she was searching for something more.

If you can believe it, it took a global pandemic for Mardi to find her purpose “to help Mainers live healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives.” Mardi describes her NVME experience: “I was in regular contact with Lisa and she was a big support to me as we discussed these new career developments. When a position came up as a caseworker, Lisa called me – she knew it was just what I was looking for!” Together, Mardi and Lisa reviewed the application process and prepared Mardi for her interview.

We are so proud to report that Mardi got that job and works as a financial coach, empowering clients to reach their goals. Mardi says, “I love my job! I truly do not know that I would have this job without Lisa’s help. She knew my skill set and abilities and was able to help me communicate those through my application materials. It is amazing to have this continued support in my life. Thank you to Lisa and NVME for helping me find my path to supporting my community!”

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