Michelle Coad: A Clear Plan

by | Sep 6, 2024

When I retired in the spring of 2024, I wanted to rebuild my equestrian training and horse boarding business in a new location.

I took a number of classes offered by New Ventures Maine, including Business Basics, where I developed my mission statement, identified my target customers, worked on my business plan, and learned about managing finances, marketing, and pricing. I also took Grow Your Business Online, during which I built my business website.

At the same time, I worked one-on-one with an NVME coach. She challenged me to identify how my business is unique, who it appeals to and how to reach them. I learned how to study my competition, understand the size and demographics of my customer base, and be laser-focused on how my business uniquely fits the needs and interests of the clients I want to attract.

The greatest benefit for me was having a clear plan and tools that would help me see how I was progressing, as well as ways to adjust my plan, if necessary.

Part of my plan required facility improvements before I could offer additional services. I identified which areas could proceed or grow concurrently and prioritized improvements that were necessary for other areas of growth. I now have a new arena to teach in and will have additional horse boarding space by the end of the summer.

The biggest challenge has been to stay true to my vision. I’ve chosen to keep my business small. It’s both manageable and profitable, so I feel I have chosen wisely. By staying small, I am able to offer high-quality services valued by a small group of customers. It’s developed into a comfortable community.

One thing I really enjoyed about the classes was learning about other participants’ businesses; where they were in the development, growth or maintenance of their businesses; and hearing from others about their challenges. They were struggling with similar or different things from what I was struggling with, but I knew I was not alone. I just keeping putting one foot ahead of the other, understanding that I’ll have ups and downs, but will also feel very rewarded for persevering.

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