Photo Credit: Chris Bennett
40 Stories for 40 Years – Profilee 24
Nadia is an exemplary model of tenacity, focus, hope, and humor. She has faced many challenges as a New Mainer, single parent, and adult learner. Even so, she has continued to pursue her goals regardless of the roadblocks in her way.
Nadia came to New Ventures Maine (then Women, Work, and Community) during a difficult point in her life. At that time, she had recently left a violent relationship and was on her own with her three children. While receiving transitional housing support through Safe Voices Nadia discovered NVME.
Steps Towards Financial Security
Upon reaching out to NVME, Nadia learned about the Rainy Day Savings Account program. Nadia applied and began saving. She also enrolled in NVME’s My Money Works class. “I found this class very beneficial. I learned how to budget, track spending, and save. This class provided me with the resources and tools on how to survive financially,” she says.
After completing the RDSA savings program, Nadia learned very quickly about the importance of having a rainy day fund. When her car broke down, she was able to withdraw her savings and receive a $300 match from NVME to fix her car. “This emergency savings account, with match money, helped me to fix my vehicle and overcome what could be a major setback for me,” she reflects.
While working with NVME on her money goals, Nadia decided that she wanted to own her own home. So, she enrolled in the Family Development Account matched savings program to help her reach that goal. She successfully completed the program and purchased her first home in April of 2017. This huge accomplishment was a testament to her hard work and perseverance.
Nadia shares, “NVME helped me to not only obtain my first home but set me up for financial independence and the ability to reach my goals. Thanks to those who support the vision of NVME, their generous contributions provide people with the opportunity to reach their goals and financial stability.”
Pursuing Education & Giving Back
With the help of Aspire, Nadia is proud to have completed her Associate’s degree in General Studies at CMCC. With her degree, she was able to secure employment with DHHS and later with the Portland Housing Authority. Today, Nadia’s primary focus is completing her Social Work degree path and using her voice in the community. She is also a landlord and owns her own cooking business.
Nadia shares, “Life happens to all of us. It pushes us to places we never expected so that we can discover our greater purpose. When I was in the situation where I thought I would not make it, NVME was there to help me see the light at the end of the tunnel.”