Sally Thorn: A Post-Retirement Career Change

by | Dec 4, 2023

When I enrolled in NVME’s My Next Career Move class in March of 2022, I had been retired for two years and wanted to pursue a part-time position. I was looking for assistance to update my resume and cover letter. I also needed to consider what I really wanted to do next.

Before retiring, I’d had a career in banking and then earned my graduate degree in education and worked as a school counselor for many years, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I retired just before the COVID-19 pandemic as my husband’s health was declining (he is now deceased). My plan was to return to work part-time; I was just not clear on when and what I would do.

In 2022, I saw an article in the Morning Sentinel about a career exploration class from NVME. It was exactly what I was looking for. Completing the assignments gave me the confidence boost I needed to begin my job search.

I searched for a few months but did not find opportunities that I wanted to pursue, so I decided to inquire about a job in the Dover school district I retired from, which led me to apply for a part-time social worker position at the middle school. I got the job! The work is extremely rewarding and the schedule is great—it’s a perfect match that allows me to use my skills in new ways and fulfills my desire to make a difference.

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