
Your College Degree: From Dream to Reality


If life got in your way of completing college, you’re not alone. An estimated 230,000 adults in Maine have some college credits but couldn’t complete their degree because of family obligations, financial capacity, or other challenges.

Even if college feels out of reach in your budget, don’t be afraid to try it out. By using scholarships, federal education grants, matched savings, and other resources, many students can leave college debt-free.  The following resources can help you transform your college dream into a reality, get back on track, and get the degree you deserve.


If you are a first-time college student, or if you haven’t attended college in at least three years and have 30 or fewer credit hours, the Osher New Beginnings Scholarship can cover two courses, including books and required materials. It’s a great way to try college and get credits at no cost to you.


Adult Degree Completion Scholarship: If you have more than 30 credit hours and a gap of three years or more since you last attended college, the Adult Degree Completion Scholarship can provide up to $4,000 per year for up to eight consecutive semesters while you finish your degree. (Deadline: December 1)


The Family Development Account matched-savings program allows you to save up to $1,000 of your own money and get it matched with up to $4,000 towards your own education. Save for as little as 6 months or as long as 3 years and quadruple your dollars towards tuition, fees, and required expenses paid to your educational institution. Contact New Ventures Maine today for guidelines and an application to see if you are eligible for a Family Development Account.


The Gilda E. Nardone Scholarship encourages graduates of New Ventures Maine comprehensive career and business development classes to pursue your goals for higher education. Graduates of 2016 Career Planning or Venturing Forth classes may apply for a scholarship of up to $1,000 towards tuition, fees, and books at University of Maine Augusta and University College centers. Enroll in Career Planning or Venturing Forth classes this fall, and use the Gilda E. Nardone Scholarship next year to achieve your educational goals while you are working on your career and business growth.


Contact New Ventures Maine today for help understanding and accessing resources to make your education dream a reality.